For the past two decades I’ve been conducting an experiment. Is it possible to create a new context for my life that I feel is “divinely inspired” and true to my deepest values, my sense of what’s possible, and true to my soul and spirit? If it is possible, what will be the results? Will it enhance my life? Will I experience a true sense of purpose and meaning? Will I know at the end of the experiment that my life has mattered?
Becoming a writer of visionary fiction and non-fiction has been an integral part of this experiment, as was co-founding Life On Purpose Institute with my wife in 1996, being a coach to assist others to create their own life on purpose experiment, and training other Life On Purpose Coaches.
Since selling my veterinary practice in the late 80’s to pursue a career as a writer and life coach, I’ve published over 350 magazine articles in such publications as Family Fun, Boys’ Life, Body and Soul (then New Age Journal), Yoga Journal, Utne Reader and Better Homes and Garden, to mention just a few. Many of these have been part of my pet writing project:

Project Purpose: to write and publish articles about people whose lives are dedicated to a bold and inspiring purpose or vision.

As of this date, I have also written and published four nonfiction books, four “Special Reports” (shorter “novella size” nonfiction books) and a young adult fantasy book with an adult science fiction techno-thriller due out very soon (Nov. 11, 2011). If you’re interested, you can learn more about these on my Amazon Author’s Page.
But enough about me already.  Let’s jump into what I believe you will find to be one of the most important and unique aspects of this manifesto and my take on the life of a Visionary Writer — the roles of purpose, passion and play, also known as “Clarity of Purpose.”
That’s next time, so stay tuned.